Queen Elizabeth Hospital Kidney Patients' Association
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IMPORTANT NOTICES: ** Corona Virus **  Flu Vaccinations Renal Patient Transport 





News Letters - KidneyMatters December 2024--- News Letters Page.

The Vaccines are safe for all Renal Patients

Please go to CORONA VIRUS for details.


Go to News Lettres December 2024.
There is a Q.R. code which will take you to the Renal Information on the U.H.B. Website

New Video for young Patients transferring from
The Children Hospital to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

Go To:- "Patient Info" and click "Young Person Info"

There is a new set of 5 videos to help patients making a choice about types of Peritoneal Dialysis

Please go to "TREATMENTS" to view them.

Letter from the Chairman --- See News Page

New ideas for healthy eating --- Dietary Info Page.

New pages on www.kidneymatters.co.uk Please take a look

If you go to "Fundraising" you will find all the details to set up a sponsored event. Under "Fundraisers" there will be a list of all those who have events raising funds for us. We hope that this will encourage you to have a go.

The event can be anything you like, a Fun Run, swim, walk, climb, sponsored weight loss or donations to mark a special occasion.

Thank you for supporting the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Kidney Patients' Association
Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham
Mindelsohn Way,
Birmingham, B15 2WB
Telephone: 0121 371 2000

Local News

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT about Industrial Action
Regarding the Industrial Action being taken by The Royal College of Nursing This Statement is from Dr. Stephanie Stringer at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham for Renal Patients treated at all their Dialysis Units.

We appreciate that patients may be concerned about the impact of the forthcoming industrial action by the Royal College of Nursing on their haemodialysis treatment. We want to reassure our patients that they will not be affected by this because nurses working at NHS run units are not able to take part in the industrial action because haemodialysis is a lifesaving treatment and nurses working at private provider units (at UHB these are Smethwick, Great Bridge, Aston, Kings Norton, Redditch, Hereford, Woodgate Valley, Sparkhill, Worcester and Llandrindod Wells) are not taking part in the strike at all because they are not NHS staff.

Dr. Stephanie Stringer
Renal Consultant Nephrologist
Clinical Lead for Haemodialysis

Festive Food and Drink for Parties
Do not forget to look on the Dietary information for details of
Festive Foods and Drinks.
There is also a Christmas Cake recipe for those on dialysis.
All the information is provided by
The Renal Dietitians at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

Renal Patient Information from the Q.E.
If you go to the section "patient information" you will find a list of patient information leaflets.
These have been produced by the Hospital they are free to download or you can obtain copies of them from the renal unit.
We hope you find them useful.
All the information is produced by the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Renal Department.

Daily update 18 February 2025
Kidney Research UK-funded team have identified key molecules and pathways in diabetic kidney disease, which could lead to future treatments.
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To the Editor A recent trial reported that personalized diagnostic and therapeutic recommendations from a kidney action team (KAT), ...
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This month marks 60 years since Australia's first successful kidney transplant was performed in Adelaide. The recipient was a father-of-three and ...
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To the Editor A recent study found that the recommendations of a KAT did not improve the primary clinical outcomes of patients with AKI.
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... kidney disease (CKD). The study included 6 studies [2,3,4,5,6,7], consisting of 3 cross-sectional and 3 prospective cohort research papers. The ...
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Patients treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors received olanzapine to address adverse effects including nausea/vomiting, anorexia, insomnia, ...
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Background: Empirical evidence regarding the relationship between social determinants of health (SDH) and renal outcomes remains limited.
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We summarized the results of the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2021 to derive the disease burden of CKD by considering four distinct types of ...
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Lenvatinib plus pembrolizumab showed activity and a favorable safety profile in nonmetastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma, per phase 2 study ...
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PHILADELPHIA (February 15, 2025) — A new study presented today by researchers at Fox Chase Cancer Center shows that some patients with metastatic ...
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